Players to Keep an Eye on This Baseball Season

Making the right free agent acquisitions in a fantasy baseball league can make the difference between winning a fantasy championship and missing the playoffs. This season, like any other, you will need to keep an eye on the free agents and create a “watch list” that will fill your teams holes.

Players to Watch

Ben Revere (CF, OF)- Minnesota Twins
Available in 95.4% of ESPN standard leagues.
Ben Revere may be one of the three Minnesota Twins players I would take on my team; other two being Joe Mauer and Josh Willingham. Ben Revere is not in the starting lineup as of opening day but he is still going to get at-bats and playing time. Revere is a straight steals guy and could be used quite a bit late in games. I like Revere a lot, he is the first guy in line to take a starting spot if an injury occurs; also, if Denard Span does not perform Revere could take the starting centerfield spot from him. I project Ben Revere to hit .283 with 42 steals and around 71 runs scored.

Jason Bourgeois (LF, CF, RF, OF, 2B)-Kansas City Royals
Available in 95.6% of ESPN standard leagues.
Bourgeois was traded to the Kansas City Royals mid-way through spring training. As of right now he is the fourth outfielder on the roster. However, Manager Ned Yost said that both Lorenzo Cain and Jeff Francouer must perform in order to keep their spots. He later went on to say that Jason Bourgeois reminds him a lot of Bill Hall, who was a great guy to have because he was a fantastic pinch hitter and could do many things. With that being said, I expect Ned Yost to utilize Bourgeois at 2B (never started a game there before) because the Royals have not had anyone step up to the plate from that position. Bourgeois is another steals guy who could provide a better average than Revere. Last season, he stole 31 bags in only 283 at-bats. If you translate that to 400 at-bats, he will be a steal in your fantasy league… no pun intended.

Mat Gamel  (1B, 3B)-Milwaukee Brewers
Available in 21.1% of ESPN standard leagues.Mat Gamel will be the Brew Crew’s starting first baseman on opening day due to Prince Fielder’s departure. Most likely Gamel will not be providing a .320 average 40 home run season like Prince Fielder has done in the past, Gamel has some upside. Gamel is a power-hitter and will be batting behind Ryan Braun who had a .332 batting average and a .397 on-base percentage last season. I still expect the Brewers to score a lot of runs this year and Gamel will help provide some power in that lineup. He should hit 20+ long balls and roam somewhere around 90 RBI.

Jose Altuve (2B)-Houston Astros
Available in 71.3% of ESPN standard leagues.
There aren’t many bright spots for the Houston Astros… if any. But Jose Altuve is still available in many standard 12 team leagues. He does not provide much pop and won’t score many runs via hitting in a depleted lineup but there is much upside to Altuve. He is only 21 years old and is on the rise, a .301 batting average and 22+ steal season is very much attainable. The only major downfall to Altuve is that he is only eligible at 2B, but, second base may be the thinnest position fantasy-wise so he could be a great pick-up.

Felix Doubront (SP)-Boston Red Sox
Available in 98.1% of ESPN standard leagues.
Felix Doubront is not a household name by any means, but he has been deemed the number four starter in the Red Sox rotation. Doubront is a lefty that has the ability to pitch late into games. Pitching in Boston should get Doubront a good amount of wins given the fact that the offense provides. If you are in a league that categorizes quality starts Doubront has potential to be one of the upper-tier guys. He will not knock your sox off with the his strikeout numbers, but he should get somewhere around 12-14 wins and a reasonable ERA.

Must-Have Guy

Dexter Fowler (CF, OF)-Colorado Rockies
Available in 73.1% of ESPN standard leagues.
The Rockies starting centerfielder is a guy that I have been big on throughout his whole career. Once again, he is another steals guy so if you need steals I would go after Fowler before any other free agent. There is a lot to like about Fowler, he is batting second (in front of Carlos Gonzalez & Troy Tulowitzki) and this is his ultimate chance to have a breakout season. Last year, Fowler was sent down to Colorado Springs (AAA) in order to work on his mechanics. In the off-season Fowler fine-tuned his swing and added 7 lbs. of muscle; in a spring training interview, a reporter asked him how he felt. Fowler said he feels great and that the ball flies off his bat now. Fowler could be a 19 home run, 52 steal, 90+ runs scored player. If he is a free agent in your league, I advise you to pick him up.


Notable Mentions
SS-Sean Rodriguez-Tampa Bay Rays
Key Attribute: Versatility, a starter that is eligible at SS, 2B and 3B.

SP-Corey Luebke- San Diego Padres
Key Attribute: Quality pitcher that is in a friendly ballpark; should post a low WHIP.

1B-Byan LaHair-Chicago Cubs
Key Attribute: Power, could hit all the home runs that Anthony Rizzo was expected to hit.